Word Strands

The game

If you loved the classic word game Boggle, you will enjoy Word Strands. Compete against other online players to find words on a 5x5 board. At the end of each 3-minute game, your browser will display the score board and the solution key, and you will have 45 seconds to review any words you may have missed: hover your mouse over each word to see its placement in the 5x5 board; click to see a Dictionary.com definition for unfamiliar words.

Expand your vocabulary, check your sharpness and relax with Word Strands! A new game may have already begun — don't miss the fun...

Why play

That depends on you. I started playing Boggle in my high school senior year because it was fun, but I soon found out that it improved my vocabulary (I scored a 770 on the verbal SAT, incidentally). It's a great way to stumble upon unfamiliar words.

Here are a few more great excuses if you're still guilty about wasting a few minutes. You should play this word game because

Other languages

Word Strands is currently available in English and Romanian. I am interested in translating it in as many languages as possible. If your language is not yet supported, you can help yourself (and me) by providing

  1. a comprehensive word list for your language
  2. a translation for the text on the game page
  3. a brief translation of this page (doesn't have to be exact or complete)